Coaching for High Achievers & Executives

alcohol free lifestyle

Or maybe you wish to change your relationship with alcohol and stop drinking. Whichever way you choose, this podcast will give you the process to succeed. Alcohol-Free Lifestyle is for high performers, including entrepreneurs, executives, investors, athletes, and top professionals. For me, sobriety meant a much improved relationship with work.

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I lived for decades without it and I never take it for granted. Every morning is a good morning when living alcohol-free. Alcohol is known to weaken your overall immune system.

As a sobriety coach, I often notice my clients experience positive career changes as they cut out drinking. With greater energy and productivity levels, they’re able to reach new career heights. I credit my sobriety for my ability to start my own business, and it was the best career decision of my life.

You’ll actually DO stuff

alcohol free lifestyle

Cutting out alcohol meant decreasing these other expenses. Sobriety also improved my mental clarity, which also has an how to flush alcohol from urine impact on my spending. Feeling better about myself has led me to not needing to “prove” anything. I have been more mindful in what I purchase and when, and this has made a huge difference on both my financial health and my overall happiness. The health benefits of drinking less are countless.

  1. A first step to get a glimpse of what an alcohol-free lifestyle feels like.
  2. It took me decades of questioning my relationship to alcohol before giving it up completely.
  3. I’m now on my own team and I believe in myself.
  4. I lived for decades without it and I never take it for granted.
  5. Empowering high achievers with virtual coaching and community support for 90 alcohol-free days, with flexibility for moderation afterward.

Online Program & Community

I find myself eating healthier simply because I’m paying more attention to my body now. When you stop drinking, you immediately get to benefit from savings you would have been spending on alcohol. It’s easy to lose track of just how much we’re spending on alcohol, and this saved money is a huge benefit you can put towards something meaningful in your life. To see how cutting out alcohol would affect your own finances, check out this alcohol spending calculator. Helping high performers feel & perform better by reducing or quitting alcohol. Maybe you’re considering quitting alcohol and going completely sober.

That family trip you promised to organise? Or that book idea you’ve told everyone about, at least a hundred times? When you take action and cut out alcohol (a willpower-sapping, confidence-destroying, time-sucking drug) you set off a whole chain of events. While AA meetings are typically free, many published reports suggest its actual success rate could be less than 7%.

For a long time, I was performing jobs that I was capable of doing, but I didn’t really love. Since quitting drinking, I have aligned with what is right for me. No more ‘Sunday Scaries’ when going back to work on Monday.

The sober journey was one of self-discovery. Getting through the challenges of becoming sober has given me the confidence to handle anything that comes my way. This is probably the biggest benefit to sobriety. I’m now on my own team and I believe in myself. Waking can alcoholics have food cooked with alcohol up and feeling good is the most natural way to be.

This is not a bad thing, it’s a good thing! Being able to socialise without alcohol is an excellent skill to have. Alcohol gives you a very brief, artificial high, followed by a long and painful low. You know how awful it is when you whippet drug feel hungover, depressed and anxious; you spend all day beating yourself up.

The best surprise in sobriety has been finding a new group of like-minded people. Sobriety is a great connector, and making friends in sobriety has been one of the best surprises of ditching the drink. My social calendar is full of fun alcohol-free activities and events. I have friends that still drink alcohol and I have new friends that don’t. Getting sober was a lonely journey at first, but finding community has made all the difference.

Alcohol was making me sick, quite literally. My body was spending all its time trying to rid itself of alcohol that there was little left over to fight other infections, bugs, colds, flu, and more. Not to mention headaches, stomach issues, stress and anxiety all caused or exacerbated by alcohol. Taking a break from alcohol will force you to shake things up and act a little differently from the masses. But once you’ve done one brave thing, who knows what you’ll do next? If you found the courage to stop drinking, you might find the courage to ask for what you want in other areas of life too.

By walking away from alcohol, I have changed the trajectory for future generations. That is an incredibly powerful feeling. If you’re fed up of feeling drained and exhausted all the time, taking some time off from drinking will make you feel so much better.

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