Petroleum Accounting: Principles, Procedures and Issues 8th edition: PwC

From cost containment to supply chain management and implementing technological improvements,discover how you can address critical issues with our services. For example, evaluations of steps to increase forest cover must account for the possibility that such changes might have occurred anyway, that they might be reversed by fire, or that they could cause more forest […]

Oil and Gas Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Tax Update Deloitte US

Even with improved standards and mandatory reporting, many companies and nations might not have the resources to be able to comply. Digital platforms are at risk of facilitating inaccurate emissions accounting if underlying data are unreliable. National and corporate accounting systems often use outdated emissions factors and data. Scientific studies are often misaligned with national […]

Oil and gas companies: 2020 Q2 accounting, financial reporting, and regulatory developments Our Insights

Valuation of reserves involves not just the quantity but also the quality of the hydrocarbons. Factors such as the type of crude oil, its sulfur content, and the presence of natural gas liquids can significantly influence the economic value. Additionally, external factors like oil prices, technological advancements, and regulatory changes play a pivotal role in […]

Accounting and Consulting for Oil & Gas Companies

These standards provide a framework for consistent and transparent financial reporting, which is crucial for investor confidence and regulatory compliance. Another important aspect is the treatment of variable consideration, which is common in oil and gas contracts. Variable consideration can include price adjustments based on market conditions, volume discounts, or performance bonuses. Field Data Gathering […]

Il CONAMBI – Collegio Nazionale delle Scienze Naturali ed Ambientali ed il Collegio Nazionale degli Agrotecnici e degli Agrotecnici laureati presentano la Web Conference : “L’Albo degli Agrotecnici e degli Agrotecnici laureati: le possibilità lavorative e le opportunità offerte” Giovedi 7 Aprile – ore 17:30 Il link per partecipare nella Locandina dell’evento

What does alcohol do to your body and skin?

Though a couple of drinks can make you feel relaxed, reducing tension and lowering inhibitions, it makes for slower reflexes, poor co-ordination and slower brain activity. If you’re partaking in Dry January after a month of mainlining mulled wine and festive fizz then props to you. Just like Sober October, Dry Jan is an awareness […]

Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline: Symptoms and What to Expect

The high levels of salt and sugar content in your alcoholic beverage, may trigger the hormone IGF-1, which causes an over-production of oil in your skin. If you’re simply looking to speak to someone on the phone or chat online for more advice on your own or someone else’s drinking, get in touch with Drinkchat or Drinkline. If you’re worried […]

10 Easy Ways to Manage and Relieve Stress

Social support is an extremely effective way to relieve stress. Ask a friend or co-worker to be a sounding board as you talk out your issues. Yoga isn’t only a popular exercise for all ages, but it’s also gaining traction for decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression. According to research, yoga interrupts stress by producing an […]

17 Ways to Eliminate Stress in 5, 10, and 30 Minutes

Health problems, whether you’re dealing with high blood pressure or diabetes, will also affect your stress level and mental health. When your brain experiences high degrees of stress, your body reacts accordingly. Physical activity is another critical stress-management skill that can help employees cope with work stress. Developing stress-management techniques for work will improve not […]


A partire da Giovedi 24 Marzo, il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Ambientali e il Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per lo Studio degli Effetti dei Cambiamenti Climatici (CIRSEC), con il patrocinio dell’’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Ambientali, dell’Ordine dei Geologi della Toscana e della Associazione Internazionale Idrogeologi – sezione […]